The truth about food
The Truth is that G_D provides food for ALL living creatures EVERYDAY. HE provides for the needs of every creature in existence. Psalm 104 attests to G_D’s complete provision.
G_D’s creation is an ecology. All living creatures are inter-dependent. This inter-dependancy brings about abundance through synergy. And all living creatures were blessed to multiply.
Man was never meant to try to ‘reinvent the wheel’. Man’s G_D ordained role is very clear; Man is to be custodian of G_D’s creation. But instead, man has altered G_D’s system of food production.
‘And G_D blessed them, and G_D said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth’.
-Genesis 1 v. 28 (KJV)-
Life is a cycle, and it exists in balance. All physical energy on the earth comes from the sun. This energy supports a balanced life cycle between producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, and decomposers on the earth. This is the system that G_D created and gave man custodianship of.
Man breathes in oxygen, that is breathed out by the tree. The tree breathes in carbon dioxide, which is breathed out by man. Contrast and balance bring about sustainable balance.
Everything in G_D’s creation exists in reciprocal contrast and reciprocal balance. Reciprocal balance is what brings about continued sustainability in nature.
Man was COMMANDED to tend to the Garden of Eden. However he was also COMMANDED to subdue and rule over the Earth, fish, birds and all creatures that crawl on the Earth. Notice that all these components that man is to take dominion over were designed by G_D to exist off each other in overall reciprocal balance (symbiotically). THEY WERE GIVEN TO US AS AN ECOLOGY. IN A FORM IN WHICH THEY CAN CONTINUALLY COMPLETELY SUSTAIN EACH OTHER.
Bless Adonai, my soul! Adonai, my G_d, you are very great; you are clothed with glory and majesty, wrapped in light as with a robe. You spread out the heavens like a curtain,
-Psalm 104:1-2 (CJB)-
All of them look to you to give them their food when they need it. When you give it to them, they gather it; when you open your hand, they are well satisfied. If you hide your face, they vanish; if you hold back their breath, they perish and return to their dust. If you send out your breath, they are created, and you renew the face of the earth.
-Psalm 104:27-30 (CJB)-